Tom Sneddon's Home Page <P>This site was made using Cascading Style Sheets and frames. If things look strange, like maybe blue and purple text for links, its because your browser doesn't support cascading style sheets. To view all of the style sheet features please use the latest version of the <A HREF="">Opera</A> web browser, <A HREF="">Microsoft Internet Explorer</A>, or if you are willing to live on the bleeding edge with a partially functional browser that is still in the development stages try the <A HREF="">M4 release of the Gecko browser</A> from <A HREF=""></A>. Cascading Style Sheet support in <A HREF="">Netscape Navigator</A> is partial at best. There are many bugs that cause things to be rendered completely wrong. Don't panic though, the next release from Netscape will be based on the Gecko project.</P> <P>Press this button for more information about cascading style sheets.<BR> <div style="text-align: center"><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="commonimages/csslogo.gif" style="vertical-align: text-top" ALT="What are cascading style sheets?"></A></div></P> <P>Press <A HREF="main_display.html">this link</A> to go to my main page without frames.</P>